Jenixlt: barbwire
Jenixlt: up close to a moth
Jenixlt: flying away
Jenixlt: very tired
Jenixlt: talking to me
Jenixlt: taking off
Jenixlt: quack
Jenixlt: black n white
Jenixlt: feather on beak
Jenixlt: fence
Jenixlt: frosty tree
Jenixlt: frosty apples in the winter
Jenixlt: frosty apple tree
Jenixlt: bright red apple
Jenixlt: frosty apple tree
Jenixlt: apples in January
Jenixlt: frosty woods
Jenixlt: Red sky
Jenixlt: Big sun waking up
Jenixlt: Only a few left to hang on...
Jenixlt: almost changed...
Jenixlt: standing out in the woods of yellow
Jenixlt: colored leaf
Jenixlt: Hidden road
Jenixlt: autumn leaves
Jenixlt: bee hive
Jenixlt: autumn colors
Jenixlt: daisies in the wind
Jenixlt: sunset
Jenixlt: copper river