Usagi93190: The dragonfly water taxi
Usagi93190: blooms and bugs
Usagi93190: blooms and bugs
Usagi93190: blooms and bugs
Usagi93190: blooms and bugs
Usagi93190: White Peacock Butterfly enjoying a beautiful day
Usagi93190: White Peacock Butterfly enjoying a beautiful day
Usagi93190: IMG_1136
Usagi93190: IMG_1137
Usagi93190: Curious black racer, waiting to see how close I will get before he takes off
Usagi93190: Curious black racer, waiting to see how close I will get before he takes off
Usagi93190: Curious black racer, waiting to see how close I will get before he takes off
Usagi93190: IMG_1186
Usagi93190: IMG_1187
Usagi93190: IMG_1190
Usagi93190: dragonfly preparing for take off
Usagi93190: IMG_1280
Usagi93190: creepy crawly
Usagi93190: alert
Usagi93190: cloudless sulphur - Blending in
Usagi93190: The butterfly chase
Usagi93190: IMG_8710
Usagi93190: cochlear hidden jewel in the grass
Usagi93190: delicate life
Usagi93190: IMG_8719
Usagi93190: IMG_8697
Usagi93190: IMG_8699
Usagi93190: Catching the sun
Usagi93190: The weaver
Usagi93190: IMG_8731