Bonbon Artcontrario: atc textile plus tampons et UTEE
Boccacino: DREAMS
mollycakes: Cemetery No. 2 Provincetown MA
mollycakes: Behold
mollycakes: Pigeon 2
Anahata Joy: Part of Bird Project
gilfling: Stone path
高 朦:
高 朦: 001
'Playingwithbrushes': Old Feedsack Rag Balls
'Playingwithbrushes': Netting Texture
sPaRK*YouR*iMaGiNaTioN: FaiRy fake cupcake faux oRiGiNaL aLTeReD aRt CoLLaGe
sPaRK*YouR*iMaGiNaTioN: *tHe BiRDs BeGaN To SiNG!* vintage bottle paper collage altered art assemblage
sPaRK*YouR*iMaGiNaTioN: *tHe WiTcHiNG HouR* FaiRy HaLLoWeeN WiTcH BiRDCaGe PuLL ToY aLTeReD aRt ViNTaGe PaPeR DoLL CoLLaGe