ja cour: trailside fungi
ja cour: wild strawberry
ja cour: here comes the sun
ja cour: berry bright
ja cour: I love you...
ja cour: stonestack
ja cour: another stone tower
ja cour: The two towers...where's Frodo?
ja cour: three of a kind!
ja cour: three old men
ja cour: butterfly ashes
ja cour: Natchez Trace bridge
ja cour: On the Lauderdale side of the river
ja cour: whazat??
ja cour: where will it lead you?
ja cour: step lively and don't fall in...
ja cour: beaver pond trail
ja cour: those dam beavers!!
ja cour: Hey Wally, you seen the Beav...
ja cour: the alphabet tree
ja cour: Great curves…
ja cour: Picnic on the grounds
ja cour: Mother Nature's lacework
ja cour: Tall ones on a hot day
ja cour: Mother Nature's sense of the abstract
ja cour: I could live here…
ja cour: The Drive
ja cour: Not for the faint of heart
ja cour: low clouds rollin'
ja cour: a wild rose by any other thorn