37001 overseas:
MaK 1206-2, number 541 of Eisenbahn und Häfen GmbH, departs westbound with coal hoppers at Bottrop Sud yard
37001 overseas:
RBH number 904 at Bottrop Sud
37001 overseas:
RBH 001
37001 overseas:
MaK 1206-2, number 801 (98 80 0275 801-5 D-RBH) runs round coal hoppers at Bottrop Sud yard
37001 overseas:
RBH class 143 at Bottrop Sud
37001 overseas:
Euro Cargo Rail Vossloh G2000 Bottrop Sud
37001 overseas:
Euro Cargo Rail Vossloh G2000 Bottrop Sud
37001 overseas:
DB class 140 811-1
37001 overseas:
WHE 291 964-5 heads east at Bottrop-Süd
37001 overseas:
MRCE DB 1275 615 on Falns at Bottrop-Süd
37001 overseas:
MRCE DB 1275 615 on Falns at Bottrop Süd
37001 overseas:
RBH 673 at Lichtenhorst in Bottrop-Welheim
37001 overseas:
RBH 673 at Bottrop-Welheim
37001 overseas:
RBH 562 at Bottrop
37001 overseas:
RBH 562 at Bottrop
37001 overseas:
RBH 807 on GM 63166 at Oberhausen Osterfeld
37001 overseas:
RBH 804 on GM 63158 at Oberhausen West
37001 overseas:
RBH 802 & 808 on GM 60083 at Oberhausen Mathilde
37001 overseas:
Freight only - Volume 2