Jon_D_Ward: rain on the hill
Jon_D_Ward: shaded
Jon_D_Ward: the stump
Jon_D_Ward: on the red rock
Jon_D_Ward: heather on Helen Lake trail
Jon_D_Ward: on the ridge above helen lake 2
Jon_D_Ward: bow lake source
Jon_D_Ward: water bottles
Jon_D_Ward: lichen in shale, bald hills, jasper
Jon_D_Ward: this one
Jon_D_Ward: mt kerkeslin in snow
Jon_D_Ward: my own eyes 3
Jon_D_Ward: Hall's Harbour snail
Jon_D_Ward: Prospect, NS
Jon_D_Ward: passenger
Jon_D_Ward: goats on roof 2
Jon_D_Ward: the hull 1
Jon_D_Ward: fan tan alley 2
Jon_D_Ward: fan tan alley 3
Jon_D_Ward: parliament wolf
Jon_D_Ward: water taxi 3
Jon_D_Ward: crossword at habit coffee shop
Jon_D_Ward: stone in palm
Jon_D_Ward: purple guy 3
Jon_D_Ward: pada hastasana
Jon_D_Ward: Bethany's flowers Sept 2012