redspot: I think this is Sarracenia flava
redspot: sweep
redspot: sideview
redspot: Sarracenia specie with it's bloom
redspot: pitcher1
redspot: bog3
redspot: inside
redspot: bog2
redspot: backs
redspot: bog
redspot: Blooms from some Iris I bought on Friday
redspot: bloom of Hymenocallis ssp --up close
redspot: Amorphophallus konjac -up close
redspot: Native lotus Nelumbo lutea
redspot: purple blue aquilegia
redspot: Bog garden
redspot: pitcher plant blooms
redspot: Sarracenia flave
redspot: Amorphophallus konjac
redspot: Amorphophallus konjac
redspot: Calypso orchids
redspot: butterfly garden with disappearing fountain
redspot: Gardenia with not wuite enough sun
redspot: Cardoon in bud
redspot: Daylilys
redspot: Spigelia marilandica in my yard in Chapel HIll, NC
redspot: inside
redspot: Aloe bloom spikes
redspot: Rare deciduous bottle tree
redspot: Cyrtanthus x henryi `William Penn'