mikeyashworth: Caught in the Rain ; or how 'Velan' was discovered : [Marjorie Hayward] : ills. Feliks Topolski : Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. : London : [1937] : printed at the Curwen Press : cover
mikeyashworth: Caught in the Rain ; or how 'Velan' was discovered : [Marjorie Hayward] : ills. Feliks Topolski : Imperical Chemical Industries Ltd. : London : [1937] : printed at the Curwen Press : frontispiece and title page
mikeyashworth: Processions of the Seasons - a series of advertisements drawn by Felix Topolski and published by London Transport, 1937
mikeyashworth: Processions of the Seasons - a series of advertisements drawn by Felix Topolski and published by London Transport, 1937
mikeyashworth: Shall we gather by the river? - sketches by Feliks Topolski, 1937
mikeyashworth: Night and Day magazine - cover by Feliks Topolski, July 1937
mikeyashworth: "On the restaurant terrace" - illustration by Felix Topolski from "London Airport, Official Guide, 1956"
mikeyashworth: Bristol Britannia aircraft in maintenance hanger at London Heathrow Airport - illustration by Feliks Topolski - 1956
mikeyashworth: Passenger Terminal at London Heathrow Airport - illustration by Feliks Topolski - 1956