mikeyashworth: An ABC of Wines : Westminster Press, London : Edward McKnight Kauffer/Downman : in "The Fleuron" , No. 2 : London : 1924 : cover
mikeyashworth: An ABC of Wines : Westminster Press, London : Edward McKnight Kauffer/Downman : in "The Fleuron" , No. 2 : London : 1924 : inside pages
mikeyashworth: Subscription brochure issued by "The Spectator", September 1922 : in "The Fleuron" , No. 2 : London : 1924 : cover by Clough Williams Ellis
mikeyashworth: Subscription brochure issued by "The Spectator", September 1922 : in "The Fleuron" , No. 2 : London : 1924
mikeyashworth: Drucke der Marées Gesellschaft : Lettering by Emil Rudolf Weiss : c.1920 : in "The Fleuron" , No. 2 : London : 1924
mikeyashworth: Packing Slip : issued by Nobel Industries : printed at the Kynoch Press : Birmingham : in "The Fleuron" , No. 2 : London : 1924