FORGET ME NOT!!!: Muñeca Mexicana de Elizabeth
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Carol de la marca mexicana Janet!
FORGET ME NOT!!!: El show de Carol
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Back of the box of Carol
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Angie en CanCun
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Muñeca Elizabeth!!
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Pajara Peggy!!!
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Spider man by Ensueño, Mexico
FORGET ME NOT!!!: SE BUSCA!! -- Looking for Angie!
FORGET ME NOT!!!: ART from mexican box of Jem dolls by the brand IGA - MEXICO
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Mandy from Ensueño, Mexico
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Mandy from Ensueño, Mexico
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Mandy by Ensueño, Mexico!!! in the 80`s
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Harlequinn doll
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Harlequinn doll
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Mandy by Ensueño, Mexico!!! in the 80`s
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Mandy by Ensueño, Mexico!!! in the 80`s
FORGET ME NOT!!!: Mandy by Ensueño, Mexico!!! in the 80`s