Cemecada: Tribute.
Cemecada: (the important thing is the tone)
Cemecada: A luz. o día. day to day. the light.
Cemecada: A espera / The wait
Cemecada: A espera / The wait
Cemecada: 'Alegoría de la Paz' (detalle), de Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Tributo ao XXV Aniversario da Constitución española de 1978
Cemecada: 'Els altres'. 'Los otros'. 'The Others'. (Missatge per als senyors Puigdemont i Rajoy)
Cemecada: (almas que agardan / restless souls)
Cemecada: La Venus de Velázquez cambia de posición. / Velázquez's Venus changes position. (after the Brexit)
Cemecada: (Lurrunduz goaz astiro astiro / Little by little we are going evaporating :0)
Cemecada: Guggenheim, Bilbo/Bilbao, (detail), by Frank Gehry.
Cemecada: the doctor sleeps . . . / a doctora dorme . . .
Cemecada: (Tribute to W.R.)
Cemecada: Bilbo / Bilbao
Cemecada: Guggenheim, Bilbo/Bilbao, by Frank Gehry.
Cemecada: Guggenheim, Bilbo, by Frank Gehry
Cemecada: a Ship loaded with steel in Abando docks, Bilbao, by Frank Gehry.
Cemecada: Humans# Xulia.
Cemecada: Crooked Shelf lives!
Cemecada: 1/2 #