rca55319: DSC_8772 #8 with some different power
rca55319: DSC_8722 EB oil can with fresh ES44C4 7136
rca55319: DSC_8665 EB Zipper passes the famous Becker Furniture
rca55319: DSC_8662 High powered rock train heads for St. Cloud
rca55319: DSC_8649 M MINNTW1 30A with 11 units
rca55319: DSC_8596 A contrast in EMD ACs
rca55319: DSC_8595 Oh No you're not going to get ahead of me
rca55319: DSC_8594 Oil cans across the soybeans
rca55319: DSC_8545 STARail donation plaques
rca55319: DSC_8544 STARail Rail Legacy Museum St. Cloud MN.
rca55319: DSC_8520 8 hour late Empire Bulder with Unit 465 leading at St. Cloud
rca55319: DSC_8497 Old soldiers carry on
rca55319: DSC_8487 WB Mt Oil Cans with nice BNSF and UP power
rca55319: DSC_8458 Columbia Coal MTs pass 60Ms on a tie train waiting to come out of the spur
rca55319: DSC_8408 EB Oil cans with CSX 3094 and killing potatoes
rca55319: DSC_8400 SD70MAC 9484 in H2 looks pretty - sounds great - and love that exhaust
rca55319: DSC_8101 PRLX units ex IAIS on EB freight at Becker
rca55319: DSC_8091 NS 8114 Heritage unit on WB U NSDELU4 19A
rca55319: DSC_7805 DILNTW (maybe) with 7 units and a lot of drag freight
rca55319: DSC_7776 Shuttle power headed east with 127 cars
rca55319: DSC_7760 BNSF U NSDTND4 14A mt oil can with NS 1070 Wabash second unit
rca55319: DSC_7741 NS 8105 Interstate Heritage leads an oil train
rca55319: DSC_7723 Amtrak #8 runs around an oil train at the spud farm
rca55319: DSC_7710 WB Z with UP 2nd unit
rca55319: DSC_7467 EB Stack train making like an Alco
rca55319: DSC_7352 ATK Veterans unit 42
rca55319: DSC_7351 #8 with Veterans and Heritage units
rca55319: DSC_7308_Late #8 with Cascades unit 465
rca55319: DSC_7132web
rca55319: DSC_7127 ICE 6415 Meet with WB Zipper