Bisse: light tent demo
Bisse: alluring
Bisse: double tent + iphone
Bisse: evening constitutional
Bisse: seated diagonals
Bisse: evening walk
Bisse: music & dancing on the street
Bisse: audience on the street
Bisse: hammered dulcimer
Bisse: The Almost Irish Band
Bisse: Mick Moloney on break
Bisse: Irish Fiddling
Bisse: 5 string fiddle
Bisse: Billy McComiskey
Bisse: Mick Moloney
Bisse: Athena Tergis
Bisse: starburst
Bisse: zany zinnia ;-)
Bisse: from the garden
Bisse: evening light in the forest
Bisse: new life
Bisse: fern hill
Bisse: grotto among the ferns
Bisse: sculpted by time
Bisse: vintage decor
Bisse: green adornment of a stone wall
Bisse: fibonacci in nature
Bisse: suns among the raindrops
Bisse: for a picnic in the woods
Bisse: shooting from shelter