Bisse: leap of faith ;-)
Bisse: gimme a break
Bisse: poor thing
Bisse: flying feet
Bisse: Once upon a time...
Bisse: crossing the creek
Bisse: the night portal
Bisse: baking for the book club
Bisse: bowing to fate
Bisse: time passes
Bisse: when you live in the country
Bisse: iceferns
Bisse: 20th Day of Christmas
Bisse: annual ritual
Bisse: it's that kind of day...
Bisse: Someone Painting
Bisse: first snow
Bisse: those were the days
Bisse: light tent demo
Bisse: big, soft flakes...
Bisse: daylight fades
Bisse: Nope, not going anywhere
Bisse: oh, baby, it's cold today...
Bisse: after the storm
Bisse: light my way home
Bisse: Birdbath? Hmmm....
Bisse: it's melting away...
Bisse: winter sunset
Bisse: retreating
Bisse: working in high places ;-)