Bisse: Like flowing water,
Bisse: waiting to turn left
Bisse: new life for old photos
Bisse: Cookie Stamps
Bisse: my walking companion
Bisse: Arraksbollar
Bisse: It was that cold
Bisse: frozen
Bisse: the ghost of a stair
Bisse: Don't know if the sun rose today...
Bisse: fog over the hay field...
Bisse: the sun plays in the creek
Bisse: packing up Christmas
Bisse: No tourists today
Bisse: Tree that cat!
Bisse: first snow of the year...
Bisse: visiting the creek bank
Bisse: another project
Bisse: "buttermilk sky"
Bisse: reading for Martin Luther King Day
Bisse: met my buddy again :-)
Bisse: Warm up the house?
Bisse: frost ferns
Bisse: ice in the creek
Bisse: winter at the farm stand
Bisse: where the sun doesn't shine
Bisse: new knitting project
Bisse: winter textures
Bisse: playing hopscotch with shadows
Bisse: winter light at dusk