Bisse: a familiar touch
Bisse: a sculptor's touch
Bisse: arms
Bisse: in the studio
Bisse: stretching towards light and freedom
Bisse: the father
Bisse: mother
Bisse: daughter
Bisse: reaching hands
Bisse: a sense of size
Bisse: Time Enough
Bisse: study for Step on Board
Bisse: The Sentinel (2003)
Bisse: Karen at work
Bisse: Karen Eutemey
Bisse: "Nightshirts"
Bisse: not a rock :)
Bisse: "Gift of the Wind"
Bisse: study for Step on Board
Bisse: Step on Board
Bisse: Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment Memorial
Bisse: monument detail, soldier
Bisse: soldier, monument detail
Bisse: The Family Circle
Bisse: Irish Famine Memorial