Bisse: reading to stay sane...
Bisse: January 2017
Bisse: climbing koala
Bisse: erosion
Bisse: once there was a forest...
Bisse: red remnants
Bisse: A Niece on Stage! :-)
Bisse: goodness lurks within
Bisse: funny face ;-)
Bisse: Roll out the barrell!
Bisse: overhead power
Bisse: wood & shadows abstract
Bisse: left behind
Bisse: shooting through holes
Bisse: springing forth
Bisse: ♥ to all :-)
Bisse: abandoned
Bisse: all that remains
Bisse: same place, same day, a year apart
Bisse: warm weather jam session
Bisse: the misty South
Bisse: slow waters
Bisse: ancient eggs
Bisse: exhibiting the ancients
Bisse: wet wingfeathers
Bisse: the first daffodils!
Bisse: buds and blooms
Bisse: roots in the river
Bisse: afternoon shadows
Bisse: Fettisdagsfika!