Bisse: Light returns....
Bisse: A different kind of beacon....
Bisse: Julbocken!
Bisse: Framed Solitude
Bisse: Ophelia
Bisse: stacked...
Bisse: Skinniest house in Boston...
Bisse: Let's dance!
Bisse: Farfars-mor & Farfars-far
Bisse: facing the rising sun
Bisse: inspired by Louise Nevelson
Bisse: Map Making 4
Bisse: It still mystifies me....
Bisse: The Harvard Lampoon building...
Bisse: moth wing
Bisse: Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen...
Bisse: W is for watermelon
Bisse: purple echoes
Bisse: Night
Bisse: City Councilor on the way home....
Bisse: ...soft, swift and feathery....
Bisse: open wide
Bisse: Uh-oh! Dinner in sight?
Bisse: winter on the Charles River
Bisse: carved door
Bisse: evening -- late winter
Bisse: The Electric Slide?
Bisse: Historical Red Sox players...
Bisse: spacecraft approaching....
Bisse: The flower girls...