Bisse: red
Bisse: pink
Bisse: Windform,
Bisse: endless bench...
Bisse: community art
Bisse: an eye on Lake Michigan
Bisse: under The Bean
Bisse: crowned by contrails
Bisse: "I'm in a land of giants!"
Bisse: glorified conveyor belt
Bisse: last dip of summer
Bisse: two artists at work ;-)
Bisse: "Diversity is the one true thing we have in common."
Bisse: Special treats
Bisse: put your feet up
Bisse: graffiti, or "I was here!"
Bisse: Chicago garden surprises
Bisse: architectural contrasts
Bisse: The Flat Iron Building
Bisse: the end of a lovely day....
Bisse: Want to play?
Bisse: tucked away
Bisse: not much talking here
Bisse: Yes, they can donuts!
Bisse: St. George Orthodox Cathedral
Bisse: St. George and the dragon
Bisse: colorful taqueria
Bisse: They've got their own parking lot!
Bisse: some cafeteria wall!
Bisse: Paul Klee's fish