BL1956: Painted Window of the 2nd Earl of Strafford, William Wentworth.
BL1956: Church walk in the spring
BL1956: Holy Trinity Church
BL1956: The wedding party
BL1956: Cubical Tower
BL1956: The Round House
BL1956: The drive to the big house
BL1956: Treescape
BL1956: Early flowering Daffodils
BL1956: The Baroque East Front
BL1956: Roof top statues
BL1956: The three houses
BL1956: Holy Trinity Church
BL1956: Stonemason's compound
BL1956: North Tower
BL1956: Original 18th century roof slates and roof timber
BL1956: Lead roofing over the North Wing
BL1956: Roof works
BL1956: Pigeon on the roof!
BL1956: Fixing the roof at Wentworth Woodhouse
BL1956: Roof light on the North Wing
BL1956: Chmneys on the North Wing
BL1956: Pigeons roosting on the scaffolding
BL1956: Scaffold maze
BL1956: Hoist pulley
BL1956: Chimney stack
BL1956: Lead rolls liad out for roofing
BL1956: I wish the builders would hurry up and finish so I can see what's happening outside!
BL1956: Roof works looking north
BL1956: Statue at the south end of the main roof