pammyvol1000: Mr Blue is back!
pammyvol1000: No snow today in the feeder!
pammyvol1000: Do drop in!!
pammyvol1000: Lovin the flakes!
pammyvol1000: Brown Bird
pammyvol1000: A regular visitor!
pammyvol1000: Ah Ha .. gotcha!!
pammyvol1000: Feeding the birds my nuts :)
pammyvol1000: Blue Jays
pammyvol1000: Birds 12-12-09 016
pammyvol1000: Birds 12-12-09 007
pammyvol1000: A visitor flew into our cabin
pammyvol1000: Oh the beauty!
pammyvol1000: Singing the blues
pammyvol1000: Mean are these guys.. hogging the feed.
pammyvol1000: Only the lonely
pammyvol1000: Woodpecker
pammyvol1000: Cardinal in full color.
pammyvol1000: This feller has singing skills.
pammyvol1000: Day 4 of snowbound
pammyvol1000: Birds galore
pammyvol1000: Cardinal ventured close
pammyvol1000: New visitor today