John A. McCrae: "Follow me - I'll take you to my Leader" (#2)
John A. McCrae: Aliens (#3)
John A. McCrae: ". . . If I only had a brain . " (#4)
John A. McCrae: "Listen; there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go." (#5)
John A. McCrae: Dive, dive dive (#8)
John A. McCrae: Edible? No thanks - I'm a boy from the prairies (#9)
John A. McCrae: Jellyfish Convention (#10)
John A. McCrae: "Big things have small beginnings" ~ Michael Fassbender (#11)
John A. McCrae: "Whatever is not commonly seen is condemned as alien" ~ Iris Chang (#12)
John A. McCrae: Go with the Flow (#13)
John A. McCrae: Dreaming (#14)
John A. McCrae: Clash of the Jellyfish (#15)
John A. McCrae: "Mellow Yellow" (#16)
John A. McCrae: Exit Stage Left (#17)
John A. McCrae: The future will either be green or not at all ~ Bob Brown