John A. McCrae: Feel like life is just floating you by
John A. McCrae: Shift change - the Sun takes a turn
John A. McCrae: Un beau matin dans le Vieux-Québec
John A. McCrae: The Quiet Creek
John A. McCrae: Not Sleepless, but A'Wake' in Seattle
John A. McCrae: Whatever tickles your "fencey"
John A. McCrae: Seattle Skyline
John A. McCrae: "OK, it's not Waikiki, but it still feels good"
John A. McCrae: Red car on the Yellowhead Highway
John A. McCrae: "Come on kids, this way . . ."
John A. McCrae: Flies of the "Round Table"
John A. McCrae: Eerie, yet some beauty
John A. McCrae: Time frozen at Cox Bay (HBM)
John A. McCrae: Heavy Spring Snow - Historic Quebec City
John A. McCrae: Paint me a story
John A. McCrae: Morning cometh to Lower Quebec City
John A. McCrae: One of our Grand Hotels
John A. McCrae: "Ocean Potion"
John A. McCrae: Pelican Rest Stop
John A. McCrae: Graceful Couple
John A. McCrae: If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there
John A. McCrae: Let's Go - "Petal" to the metal
John A. McCrae: Town Clock on Citadel Hill
John A. McCrae: Walk towards the Light
John A. McCrae: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
John A. McCrae: Remember, man does not live on bread alone; sometimes he needs a little buttering up.
John A. McCrae: Peggy's Cove
John A. McCrae: "Faster Fin,, the guards are coming"
John A. McCrae: Castle Mountain
John A. McCrae: Without reflection one may leap too soon