dasjabbadas: we take too many pictures of each other
dasjabbadas: Hannibal Speichor
dasjabbadas: feetsies
dasjabbadas: carsten speiche mischa
dasjabbadas: speiche
dasjabbadas: speiche @ work
dasjabbadas: lensbaby
dasjabbadas: guided city tour
dasjabbadas: hey whatcha doin down there
dasjabbadas: flashed
dasjabbadas: making of: veloheld shooting
dasjabbadas: plug in photographer
dasjabbadas: he hates taking pictures of wheel sets. tremendously.
dasjabbadas: in between - fade out
dasjabbadas: eye:hand submission
dasjabbadas: huh?
dasjabbadas: *blink*
dasjabbadas: speeche
dasjabbadas: arkaden
dasjabbadas: Introducing comrade Zorki IV
dasjabbadas: ahoy!
dasjabbadas: mamiya feldtest
dasjabbadas: coffee on his mind
dasjabbadas: ehn?