Rocketcat!: Loading up at the end of the ForkNUT
Rocketcat!: ForkNUT 2016, Day 5
Rocketcat!: ForkNUT 2016, Day 5
Rocketcat!: ForkNUT day 5
Rocketcat!: ForkNUT camp, day 4
Rocketcat!: Columnar Basalt on the NUT
Rocketcat!: Dear Leap, NUT
Rocketcat!: Stream crossing on the NUT
Rocketcat!: Waterfall descent on NUT
Rocketcat!: Waterfall descent on NUT
Rocketcat!: North Umpqua River
Rocketcat!: Falls on Dread and Terror
Rocketcat!: Tree crossing on Dread and Terror
Rocketcat!: Lemolo Lk and Mt Thielsen
Rocketcat!: Lemolo Lk and Mt Thielsen
Rocketcat!: N Umpqua River at Kelsay
Rocketcat!: Calamut Lk
Rocketcat!: On the way to Calamut Lk
Rocketcat!: Meadow on the way to Calamut Lk
Rocketcat!: Meadow on the way to Calamut Lk
Rocketcat!: Connie Meadow
Rocketcat!: Indigo Lk and Sawtooth
Rocketcat!: Timpanogas
Rocketcat!: Timpanogas camp
Rocketcat!: Timpanogas
Rocketcat!: Timpanogas
Rocketcat!: Paddy's Valley splitting into road riders and bike walkers
Rocketcat!: Middle Fork switchback
Rocketcat!: Matt and Chris peer into the Middle Fork canyon
Rocketcat!: Chuckle Springs