Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Intersection - HMBT!
davy ren2: fluffed up little owl
Philip Male photography: ... The night Watchman ...
anthonynixon17: Coal on tap!
Mastering_light: "...a road unforseen..."
Alan Woodgate: Sparrowhawk (f) - Bedfordshire
Adrian Dancy: 9P1A9040 Black Redstart, (Phoenicurus ochruros), female
Gilly B2011: Morning Over The Moat
Gilly B2011: Rising Mists
anthonynixon17: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: The sun playing hide and seek
Mastering_light: Touched by an angel
KHR Images: Badger cub
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: The Precipice - Explore 16.12.20
RGT Images: Bear photobombs Elk. Benezette, PA
Nicholas Ferrary: Bearded Vulture
wsnaturpic: Hermelin
davy ren2: kestrel
Ela Krysińska: Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
charhedman: Left behind
Mastering_light: Ground control to Major Tom
Marcel Tuit | Blue hour @ deventer
bonser54: Male Crossbill
Mike_FL: Great Blue Herons family,spring worries
alandebarker: A break in the cloud
Gilly B2011: Blowing In The Wind
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Sunset before a storm
dudley46.: Ringed Plover
charhedman: Undulations