lwrhea: W-1 Bowie with rope filed guard and Ivory Micarta brown background 2011
lwrhea: GS finished photo by Chuck Ward 2011
lwrhea: W-1 Bowie with rope filed guard and Ivory Micarta 2011
lwrhea: 5430301848_795a4ee417_b[1]
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lwrhea: Camp Knife full tang Chris Pahl 2010
lwrhea: Hatchet with hammer poll 2010
lwrhea: Pig Knife 8 inch Damascus and Stag 2010
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lwrhea: Frank_hunter_finished_knife_09_opt
lwrhea: Mastersmith Collaboration Knife of 2010 by the 2009 class
lwrhea: RSH5 2010
lwrhea: Hunter Mahogany Stag drop point forged at JP's 2010
lwrhea: RSH4 2010
lwrhea: Subhilt fighter with Ironwood March 2010
lwrhea: W&S Butcher reproduction with Ivory Award Photo 2010
lwrhea: W&S Butcher reproduction with Ivory 2010
lwrhea: Subhilt Fighter with Ironwood Feb 2010
lwrhea: Amber Stag Hunter with twisted damascus blade 2010
lwrhea: Stag Handled Bowie 7.5 inch Carbon red bg 2010
lwrhea: Stag Handled Bowie 7.5 inch Carbon 2010
lwrhea: MS Dagger single image Gold fleck background 2010
lwrhea: Walrus Subhilt 09
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lwrhea: Spearpoint Fighter in Stag green bg 09
lwrhea: Spearpoint Fighter in Stag 09
lwrhea: Compact Sheephorn Hunter 09
lwrhea: Amber Stag Compact Hunter Best Hunter Award KGA 09
lwrhea: Boone's Lick Bowie Best Bowie Award KGA 09
lwrhea: Spearpoint with Ironwood tan bg 09