mcclarinj: 016 Battery-powered headlight shines on moth sheet.JPG
mcclarinj: 017 UV-lit moth sheet on tower platform.JPG
mcclarinj: 018 Moths congregate.JPG
mcclarinj: 019 Moth sheet at 20 meters viewed from 30 meters.JPG
mcclarinj: 020 Me positioning headlight on 30m platform.JPG
mcclarinj: 022 Me on a wet but productive night on the tower.JPG
mcclarinj: 023 Rafael, wet.JPG
mcclarinj: 027 Our insect containment photo studio.JPG
mcclarinj: 028 Rafael at our photography set.JPG
mcclarinj: 029 Rafael positions beetle for photo.JPG
mcclarinj: 029 Sweep net doubles as lamp arm.JPG
mcclarinj: 030 Rafael takes aim at flash photo subject.JPG
mcclarinj: 034 Rafael at mounting counter in museum.JPG
mcclarinj: 037 Longimanus holds still for Rafael's camera.JPG
mcclarinj: 037 The insects Rafael and I mounted 9-17-04.JPG
mcclarinj: 045 Rafael with camera on roadside.JPG
mcclarinj: 046 Me with fully extended sweep net.JPG
mcclarinj: 071 Baited pitfall trap under pinned-down bowl.JPG