sam n bart:
1 Turn left here if you're coming from Scotland
sam n bart:
2 You're on the right road out of Longtown
sam n bart:
3 Turn left here
sam n bart:
4 Careful!
sam n bart:
5 Slow down!
sam n bart:
6 Into the farm
sam n bart:
7 Estate office to the left
sam n bart:
8 Turn right here
sam n bart:
9 Past the tractor shed on your right
sam n bart:
10 You might see a chicken
sam n bart:
11 These might make you homesick!
sam n bart:
12 Straight down this rough track
sam n bart:
13 Turn right at this sign
sam n bart:
14 Almost there!
sam n bart:
15 Turn left through these gates
sam n bart:
16 You've arrived!
sam n bart:
18 Coop House from River Esk
sam n bart:
19 Careful of these steps down to the river!
sam n bart:
17 Coop House
sam n bart:
21 River Esk to east
sam n bart:
20 River Esk to west