Dr.Doo: abandoned wheelbarrow
Dr.Doo: over-grown courgette plant
Dr.Doo: caffeine junkie!
Dr.Doo: cat naps
Dr.Doo: carefully does it!
Dr.Doo: orgasmic girl
Dr.Doo: girl in the window
Dr.Doo: me and my girl
Dr.Doo: a big hand for tomas
Dr.Doo: Woodipotimus Jones and the Garden of Doom
Dr.Doo: cheap licks!
Dr.Doo: frivillig
Dr.Doo: first attempts at jumping
Dr.Doo: hat stand!
Dr.Doo: wallflower
Dr.Doo: muriel wall
Dr.Doo: bench
Dr.Doo: wot no loo paper!
Dr.Doo: wilting
Dr.Doo: April Fool!
Dr.Doo: blushing bench
Dr.Doo: Flat Face
Dr.Doo: Reflective Relics
Dr.Doo: park pipe
Dr.Doo: Dancing with Doors is Dangerous!
Dr.Doo: bouncing boots
Dr.Doo: base camp
Dr.Doo: blue dumpster/dumpster blues
Dr.Doo: roll out the barrel