Caterina and the Waves: Plaza del Grano
Caterina and the Waves: Amunt i avall
Caterina and the Waves: Migdiada lleonesa
Caterina and the Waves: Per fi, roures i alzines
Caterina and the Waves: Ja queda menys: exactament, la meitat
Caterina and the Waves: Llum de vesprada
Caterina and the Waves: Le MUSAC et moi
Caterina and the Waves: La síndrome de Stendhal
Caterina and the Waves: Migdiada burgalesa
Caterina and the Waves: Ancha y árida es Castilla
Caterina and the Waves: Hornillos del Camino
Caterina and the Waves: Burgos la nuit