Caterina and the Waves: Still life with cat
Caterina and the Waves: Puente de la Rabia
Caterina and the Waves: Colegiata de Roncesvalles
Caterina and the Waves: Alto del Perdón
Caterina and the Waves: Pelegrins exploradors
Caterina and the Waves: Puente la Reina: inici d'etapa
Caterina and the Waves: Limosna para los presos
Caterina and the Waves: Autorretrat al carrer Major
Caterina and the Waves: Santa María de Eunate
Caterina and the Waves: Santa María de Eunate
Caterina and the Waves: Santa María la Real
Caterina and the Waves: Àngel o dimoni?
Caterina and the Waves: Ermita de san Miguel
Caterina and the Waves: Val de Mañeru
Caterina and the Waves: Cúcurrucucú...