artethgray: side detail of Marita Lappalaninen's Soundscape
artethgray: stitch detail of Marita Lappalaninen's Soundscape
artethgray: personal favourite
artethgray: patch detail of Charlotte Booth's Woodstock Sampler no 1
artethgray: cute fat cat patch
artethgray: View of Tranquility of (the) Cathedral Garden
artethgray: detail of Dian Smith's Blodeuwedd
artethgray: view of Dian Smith's Blodeuwedd
artethgray: view of Luke Hayes' (the American Context 68) Double Elvis
artethgray: detail of Luke Haynes' (the American Context 68) Double Elvis
artethgray: detail of Helen Dickson's Steampunk Flight
artethgray: detail of Helen Dickson's Steampunk Flight
artethgray: view of Helen Dickson's Steampunk Flight
artethgray: view of Ans Schipper-Vermeiren's Rozen (Roses)
artethgray: detail 1 of Ans Schipper-Vermeiren's Rozen (Roses)
artethgray: detail 2 of Ans Schipper-Vermeiren's Rozen (Roses)
artethgray: view of Hazel Ryder's Just to the left of the moon
artethgray: detail of horse in Hazel Ryder's Just to the left of the moon
artethgray: Idetail of word quilting in Hazel Ryder's Just to the left of the moon
artethgray: view of Taiwan Art Quilt Society's The Moving World-Spring and Winter
artethgray: detail of Ann Beech's Circles of Colossus
artethgray: view of Hilde van Schaardenburg's Hommage a Monet
artethgray: detail 1 of Hilde van Schaardenburg's Hommage a Monet
artethgray: detail 2 of Hilde van Schaardenburg's Hommage a Monet
artethgray: view of Neil MacGillivray's Forth Again
artethgray: view of Lucy Poland's Nesting Bowls
artethgray: Iinside detail of Lucy Poland's Nesting Bowls
artethgray: detail of Angelines Artero's Recuerdos
artethgray: view of Angelines Artero's Recuerdos
artethgray: view of Sandra Fowler's Apple Tree Book