frisar1: spidey
frisar1: lizzie and the hoverfly
frisar1: hoverfly
frisar1: hoverfly
frisar1: hoverfly hovering
frisar1: hoverfly arriving
frisar1: absailing spider
frisar1: spidey
frisar1: grandson in camera
frisar1: lillybug
frisar1: lillybug1
frisar1: dung fly
frisar1: dung fly
frisar1: looking for poo
frisar1: garden monster
frisar1: dung fly
frisar1: walking on the moon
frisar1: return of the fly
frisar1: scarlet swallowtail
frisar1: i"m coming to get you
frisar1: alien life on the moon
frisar1: dung fly in the ****
frisar1: minute fly
frisar1: lily lovers
frisar1: red lily beetle
frisar1: slug
frisar1: dungflyeye
frisar1: stuck
frisar1: dandelion
frisar1: just before the mower got me