dwoodman86: DSC_0168_01
dwoodman86: Mini waterfall
dwoodman86: Sunrise through the trees
dwoodman86: Sunrise through the trees
dwoodman86: DSC_0183_01
dwoodman86: Sunrise
dwoodman86: Sunrise
dwoodman86: DSC_0203_01
dwoodman86: DSC_0206
dwoodman86: Goose taking a morning swim
dwoodman86: A pair of geese enjoying the sunrise
dwoodman86: DSC_0248_01
dwoodman86: DSC_0256
dwoodman86: DSC_0257
dwoodman86: DSC_0263
dwoodman86: Sunrise over the remaining ice
dwoodman86: DSC_0277_01
dwoodman86: DSC_0290
dwoodman86: Reflections
dwoodman86: DSC_0298
dwoodman86: Around the bend
dwoodman86: Missing bark
dwoodman86: Broken post
dwoodman86: Pair of Mallards
dwoodman86: Nice eye
dwoodman86: Some sort of Goose?
dwoodman86: Assorted waterfowl
dwoodman86: Canada Goose
dwoodman86: Why did the Grackle cross the road?
dwoodman86: Coming in for a landing