Cadwalader Ringgold: Book of Fritz Leiber - cover George Barr
Cadwalader Ringgold: The Day Star - Mark S. Geston - cover artist George Barr
Cadwalader Ringgold: Dumarest Sage book 13 - Eye of the Zodiac - E.C. Tubb - cover artist George Barr - 1st publication 1st edition
Cadwalader Ringgold: Dumarest Saga Book 12 - Eloise - E.C. Tubb - cover artist George Barr - 1st publication 1st edition
Cadwalader Ringgold: Dumarest Saga Book 6 - Lallia - E.C. Tubb - cover artist George Barr, 1st Publication 1st Edition
Cadwalader Ringgold: The Wildings of Westron - David J. Lake - cover artist George Barr