barry healas photography: Lord Birkett Cup Ullswater UK
barry healas photography: Ullswater UK Lord Birkett Cup
barry healas photography: Concentration the name of the game
barry healas photography: Sailing on the trapeze not in the Circus !
barry healas photography: Follow the Leader
barry healas photography: Lord Birkett cup Ullswater
barry healas photography: Lord Birket Cup Ullswatetr
barry healas photography: Lord Birkett cup Ullswater
barry healas photography: Lord Birkettcup Ullswater
barry healas photography: Lord Birkett cup Ullswater
barry healas photography: Sophie at the helm again !!
barry healas photography: The Launch of "Swallow"
barry healas photography: Spinnakers Flying
barry healas photography: Setting off down the Lake
barry healas photography: The Man on the Trapeze
barry healas photography: Keep the Boat flat ....guys!!
barry healas photography: Swallow comes to her spiritual home the Lakes
barry healas photography: Killington Lake. Cumbria ,an evening sail.
barry healas photography: Plugger in full Sail
barry healas photography: Collision Course at The Lord Birkett Cup Ullswater
barry healas photography: The Rainbow on the water