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Unknown Spreadwing at Sand Bar Park (Explore 11)
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Cedar Waxwing at Sand Bar Park (Explore 10)
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Tandem Band-winged Meadowhawks at Sand Bar Park (Explore 9)
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Scarlet Tanager at Quick Pond [Explore 8]
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Spangled Skimmer at Crater Lake [Explore 7]
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Common Green Darner inflight at Oros Nature Preserve [Explore 6]
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Racket-tailed Emerald at Sparta Mountain [Explore 5]
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Eastern Phoebe eating a caterpillar in Stokes State Forest [Explore 4]
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Wheel Bug on the Appalachian Trail, lifer [Explored #2]
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Pipevine Swallowtail at Kittatinny (lifer) [Explored #1]
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Giant Swallowtail at Kittatinny Valley [Explored #3]
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Russet-tipped Clubtail at Palmyra Cove [Explore 12]
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Common Green Darner inflight at Finderne Wetlands [Explored #13]
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Dreamy Duskywing at Sparta Mountain [Explored 14]
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Male Blue-tipped Dancer on the Appalachian Trail/Vernon [Explore 15]
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Common Green Darners at Bamboo Brook [Explore 16]
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Milkweed Tussock Moth at Hyper Humus [Explore #17]
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Cooper's Hawk in my yard [Explored 18]
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Virginia Rail at Hyper Humus (lifer) [Explore 19]
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Rainbow Scarab at Walpack (lifer) [Explore 20]
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Common Sanddragon at Stafford Forge [Explore 21]
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Eastern Forktail with prey at D&R Canal [Explore 22]
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Halloween Black and Yellow Garden Spider at Winding Waters Trail [Explore 23]
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Stygian Shadowdragon at Upper Delaware River, lifer [Explore 24]