Tombo Pixels: Autumn Meadowhawk at Blue Mountain Lakes
Tombo Pixels: Swamp Spreadwings mating at Blue Mountain Lakes
Tombo Pixels: Skimming Bluet at Blue Mountain Lakes
Tombo Pixels: Halloween Pennant at Flatbrookville
Tombo Pixels: Pondhawk and beetle eating a damselfly at Kittatinny Valley State Park
Tombo Pixels: Exuviae at Kittatinny Valley State Park
Tombo Pixels: Widow Skimmer at Kittatinny Valley State Park
Tombo Pixels: Autumn (Yellow-legged) Meadowhawk at Kittatinny Valley State Park
Tombo Pixels: Widow Skimmer at Capik Preserve
Tombo Pixels: Calico Pennant at Capik Preserve
Tombo Pixels: Carolina Saddlebags at Capik Preserve
Tombo Pixels: Slaty Skimmer at Capik Preserve
Tombo Pixels: Variable Dancer at Rattlesnake Swamp
Tombo Pixels: Ebony Jewelwing at Rattlesnake Swamp
Tombo Pixels: Spangled Skimmer at Rattlesnake Swamp
Tombo Pixels: Harlequin Darner at Walpack Center
Tombo Pixels: Ebony Jewelwing at Walpack Center
Tombo Pixels: Lancet Clubtail at Walpack Center
Tombo Pixels: Aurora Damsel at Millbrook Village
Tombo Pixels: Delta-spotted Spiketail at Millbrook Village
Tombo Pixels: Spatterdock Darner at Millbrook Village
Tombo Pixels: Harlequin Darner at Millbrook Village
Tombo Pixels: Fragile Forktail at Capik Preserve
Tombo Pixels: Common Whitetail at Capik Preserve
Tombo Pixels: Common Spreadwing on the Sussex Branch Trail
Tombo Pixels: Calico Pennant at White Lake
Tombo Pixels: Familiar Bluet at White Lake
Tombo Pixels: Halloween Pennant at White Lake
Tombo Pixels: Elegant Spreadwing at Blue Mountain Lakes
Tombo Pixels: Spangled Skimmer at Blue Mountain Lakes