ModQuiltGirl (Anna): July/August 4x6 bee block for @sallykeller814 #hmqg
ModQuiltGirl (Anna): July/August block for the 4x6 bee for Paula or Becky #hmqg
ModQuiltGirl (Anna): July/August 4x6 bee block for @sassmyfrass Kari #hmqg
ModQuiltGirl (Anna): 4x6 Bee for Sally
ModQuiltGirl (Anna): 4x6 Bee for Becky
ModQuiltGirl (Anna): 4x6 Bee For Paula
ModQuiltGirl (Anna): 4x6 Bee Block for Rebecca
ModQuiltGirl (Anna): First block from Tula's book for my 4X6 bee @sassmyfrass
ModQuiltGirl (Anna): Finally got back to making 4x6 bee blocks! This one is for Rebecca Tedford, just let me know if my colors are completely wrong!