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UK Classes 01-13 (Shunters). by Marra Man
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Marra Man
08 605 working "Target 5" the middle shift VQ pilot at Kingmoor Yard.
Marra Man
This will give you the Hump !
Marra Man
Kingmoor's new pilot 08 922 'The Grey Ghost'.
Marra Man
On the Waverley Route. 08 866 at Stainton Junction.
Marra Man
Kingmoor's Forgotten Pilot. 08 485.
Marra Man
Train Ferry trip pilot on its rounds.
Marra Man
Dover Town Yard shunt pilot.
Marra Man
08 922 the 'Grey Ghost' on pilot duty.
Marra Man
13 001 working the hump at Tinsley Yard.
Marra Man
13 001 in its parking lot between moves.
Marra Man
66 158 waits to depart with 6Z45 to Tyne Yard.
Marra Man
Christmas eve additional to Brunthill (Kingstown).
Marra Man
Noddy and friends, Kingmoor Yard.
Marra Man
Day shift on the Donkey.
Marra Man
Busy night at the Grid Iron.
Marra Man
Trip freight 8T04 on the Stainton branch.
Marra Man
Kingmoor Yard nocturnals.
Marra Man
Spalding. Flower Parade Day May 1982.
Marra Man
Postman Pat replaces the Grey Ghost.
Marra Man
Quiet Kingmoor Yard early evening.
Marra Man
Warringtons 'Robot' Pilot.
Marra Man
08 879 in Warrington Arpley Yard.
Marra Man
Drive her for a fiver - £5 (well £8 to match the class no. actually)
Marra Man
60 074 a rare visitor to Kingmoor Yard in 2010.
Marra Man
08 527 at Stratford with the Silvertown tripper.
Marra Man
03 170 standing at Duke Street Crossing.
Marra Man
03 170 at Spillers Flour Mill, Wallasey Dock Rd, Birkenhead Docks.
Marra Man
Early Turn shunt crew, Birkenhead Docks.
Marra Man
Robbie the Robot. (a.k.a 08 888).
Marra Man
Ford's No.2 (ex BR class 04 no.D2280).
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