thedaner: Black Skimmers flying off the picture
thedaner: Bobcat in the sun
thedaner: Bobcat sitting in the sun
thedaner: Bobcat sitting in the sun
thedaner: Bobcat in the sun
thedaner: Bobcat out for a stroll
thedaner: Pretty Kitty
thedaner: Eagle in flight
thedaner: Eagle on pole with Nikon D70s Sigma lens
thedaner: Eagle on pole with Olympus C770 Ultra Zoom
thedaner: Eagle and Astronaut Plane
thedaner: Eagle and Astronaut Plane
thedaner: Scrub Jay Dive
thedaner: Scrub Jay
thedaner: Close up of a juvenile Sandhill Crane
thedaner: Juvenile Sandhill Crane
thedaner: Sandhill Crane in the rain
thedaner: Giant Leopard Moth
thedaner: Giant Leopard Moth
thedaner: Giant Leopard Moth
thedaner: Giant Leopard Moth
thedaner: Giant Leopard Moth
thedaner: Smiling Alligator
thedaner: One eyed Smiling Alligator?
thedaner: Relaxing in the Sun
thedaner: One big alligator
thedaner: Yellow Rat Snake crossing the road
thedaner: Yellow Rat Snake
thedaner: Friendly Bug
thedaner: Curious Bug