thedaner: Snowy owl wintering at the beach, Florida
thedaner: Great Blue Heron on black
thedaner: Colorful Calliope
thedaner: Calliope Hummingbird in Florida
thedaner: Mother Grouse
thedaner: Trying to beat the heat?
thedaner: Western scrub jay
thedaner: Western scrub jay
thedaner: Coming Home
thedaner: Look up to the sky
thedaner: Anhingas
thedaner: Anhinga Love
thedaner: Red tailed hawk
thedaner: Red tailed hawk
thedaner: Grackle Split
thedaner: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
thedaner: Welcome to the Tropics?
thedaner: Wild Macaw in Miami
thedaner: Coot on the Bank
thedaner: Flight of the Caracara
thedaner: Crested Caracara
thedaner: Just Another [Pretty] Grackle
thedaner: Funny Tongued Heron
thedaner: Great Blue Heron
thedaner: Little Blue Heron in Molting Phase
thedaner: Green Heron
thedaner: Suspended in Air
thedaner: Pileated Woodpecker