Nikongnome: Fotheringhay misty orbs
Nikongnome: Billy Wizz
Nikongnome: Tree and orbs
Nikongnome: Orb plays hide and seek
Nikongnome: Sanctuary from the Orb
Nikongnome: Orbs Church porch
Nikongnome: Orbs Church porch
Nikongnome: Light painting church porch
Nikongnome: Light painting church porch
Nikongnome: Red ball
Nikongnome: Churchyard Kings Cliffe Light painting
Nikongnome: Churchyard Kings Cliffe Light painting
Nikongnome: Churchyard Kings Cliffe Light painting
Nikongnome: Orb looking for snow ball fight
Nikongnome: Orb looking for snow ball fight
Nikongnome: Blue flash Orb
Nikongnome: Orb and crack in the earth
Nikongnome: Orb goes to mid-night mass
Nikongnome: Hills and Holes lightpaint
Nikongnome: Hills and Holes do orbs get pregnant?
Nikongnome: Hills and Holes giant sweetie
Nikongnome: Hills and Holes Golf tee orb
Nikongnome: Reed bed jelly fish
Nikongnome: Reed bed orb with a heart
Nikongnome: Reed bed orb in the open
Nikongnome: Reed bed orb
Nikongnome: Another Orb hides
Nikongnome: Orb imprisoned
Nikongnome: Some things are easier to get into than........
Nikongnome: Some things are easier to get into than........