johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: DSCF6916
johnboy!: DSCF6926
johnboy!: The Pantheon
johnboy!: Pantheon, Italy
johnboy!: Entrance to the Pantheon
johnboy!: DSCF7009A
johnboy!: The River Tiber (Fiume Tevere)
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: The Vatican
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Coliseums
johnboy!: DSCF7259
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Piazza del Popolo, Rome
johnboy!: Traffic
johnboy!: Italian street artist
johnboy!: Fontana della Barcaccia, Rome
johnboy!: 20080303-Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome
johnboy!: Rome