goobersmyn: Best Friends, sign into parking lot..
goobersmyn: Best Friends, Koi Pond
goobersmyn: Vista up Angel Canyon from the office deck, Best Friends.
goobersmyn: View to Northeast heading for Kanab..
goobersmyn: Looking up Angel Canyon from the office deck
goobersmyn: Troy Snow and Dennis, (goobersmyn), out for a stroll.
goobersmyn: Up the Hill on the Best Friends Backroad..
goobersmyn: Rock Formations, Best Friends Backroad
goobersmyn: Best Friends up Angel Canyon..
goobersmyn: Looking up Angel Canyon, office on left top
goobersmyn: One of the old time magic spots..
goobersmyn: Looking towards Bryce Canyon..
goobersmyn: Looking out towards Bryce Canyon..AA
goobersmyn: Looking back down Angel Canyon at Best Friends.
goobersmyn: Laid back fella at Best Friends..
goobersmyn: Jackrabbit at Best Friends..
goobersmyn: Best Friends Visitor's Center.
goobersmyn: Hi Ho Silver, Away
goobersmyn: Heading down through the cut at Best Friends..
goobersmyn: Heading back to the highway at Best Friends..
goobersmyn: Great spot at Best Friends for a couple of Horses
goobersmyn: Cool spot for an old horse..
goobersmyn: Cool old fella at Best Friends
goobersmyn: Climbing up from the Vermillion Cliffs
goobersmyn: Best Friends, Wild Turkeys looking for the girls.
goobersmyn: Best Friends, backroad rocks..
goobersmyn: Best Friends, up the canyon behind the Office.
goobersmyn: Best Friends, Up Angel Canyon to the office..
goobersmyn: Best Friends, up Angel Canyon Slot..
goobersmyn: Best Friends, roadside..