mstreinzer: Eucera berlandi pollinating Ophrys helenae
pflanzenflüsterer: Ambrosina bassii 6284-1; Araceae (1)
Scamperdale: Maesobotrya vermeulenii (De Wild.) J. Léonard (PHYLLANTHACEAE)
Sang the tramp: Misty trail
Sang the tramp: Winter Palms
Sang the tramp: Contoured Melody
grass-lifeisgood: Chain of Mountain
andredekesel: Cyclommatus metallifer
margaret.westrop: Another Disa erubescens
@Chris_Photos: Botswana Elephants
iegienie: On A Black And White Island
Victor Kong2: A18_9204B
rickymoorhouse: Lake Garda at sunrise
CHWVB: Monument Valley - North Window
Stefan Bellwald: Winter Calm
RFGilbert: Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, Jan 2018
R Ramkumar: The Great Migration
spierson82: Nature's Cathedral
Friedrich Beren: Goldener Morgen
nobettertimethannow: Colours of the night
Fabian Fortmann: Nuclear Sunrise
Rita Willaert: At the mosque at Bani
Raiwen: IMG_0277 Pitcairnia feliciana
pbertner: Camouflaged frog (Scinax garbei)
andredekesel: African Forest cobra
dinparvar: Aleph is tousand
Sputnikboy: Achemenid Emperor Tomb