pollys belvin: IMGP0741
pollys belvin: IMGP0718
pollys belvin: IMGP0695
pollys belvin: IMGP0676-Edit-Edit
pollys belvin: IMGP0670
pollys belvin: IMGP0650
pollys belvin: IMGP0647
pollys belvin: IMGP0671
pollys belvin: Bison in the grass
pollys belvin: Sunset over prairie
pollys belvin: Buffalo (2 of 2)
pollys belvin: Buffalo (1 of 2)
pollys belvin: Lone tree
pollys belvin: Prairie and visitor center
pollys belvin: Buffalo at rest
pollys belvin: Bison gaze
pollys belvin: Grazing time
pollys belvin: Buffalo crossing
pollys belvin: After the mud wallow
pollys belvin: Test shot - Pentax Q
pollys belvin: Test shot - Pentax Q
pollys belvin: Test shot - Pentax Q
pollys belvin: Grazing the new spring grass
pollys belvin: A little snooze
pollys belvin: Through the bridge railing (2 of 2)
pollys belvin: Through the bridge railing (1 of 2)
pollys belvin: Country stream (monochrome bold)
pollys belvin: Country stream
pollys belvin: Dickcissel (1 of 2)
pollys belvin: Dickcissel (2 of 2)