rachbaker13: IMG_6932bridgebw copy
rachbaker13: Infdomesnow copy
rachbaker13: IMG_6932bridgebw copy
rachbaker13: Infsnowtrees copy
rachbaker13: IMG_6945 domecopy
rachbaker13: Infdomesnow copy
rachbaker13: IMGpostbox2_6997 copy
rachbaker13: Infsnowbench copy
rachbaker13: Lonely bench
rachbaker13: snow (1 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (2 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (3 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (4 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (5 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (6 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (7 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (8 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (9 of 10)
rachbaker13: snow (10 of 10)
rachbaker13: IMG_5968
rachbaker13: snow on the golf course
rachbaker13: A simple view
rachbaker13: Trees in the fog
rachbaker13: A sand bunker
rachbaker13: Golf course
rachbaker13: Trees on the horizon
rachbaker13: Snow...
rachbaker13: Snow.....simple...