hikerpat: 001 8.22 a.m., 11-24
hikerpat: 002 9.38 a.m., 11-24, Dogwood tree in fog
hikerpat: 003 11-24
hikerpat: 005 11-24
hikerpat: 006 11-24
hikerpat: 007 11-24
hikerpat: 008 11-24
hikerpat: 009 11-24
hikerpat: 010 11-24
hikerpat: 011 11-24, peek-a-boo
hikerpat: 012 11-24
hikerpat: 013 11-24
hikerpat: 014 11-24
hikerpat: 015 11-25, Song Sparrow
hikerpat: 016 11-27 Bluejay
hikerpat: 017 11-27
hikerpat: 018 11-27
hikerpat: 019 11-27
hikerpat: 020 11-27, Mockingbird
hikerpat: 021 11.27
hikerpat: 022 11.27, looks like the Mocker claimed the feast
hikerpat: 023 11.27
hikerpat: 024 11.27
hikerpat: 025 11.27
hikerpat: 026 11.27, Red-Bellied Woodpeckers's turn
hikerpat: 027 11.27, caught with a mouthful
hikerpat: 028 11.27, Bluebirds won't investigate - there's no suet
hikerpat: 030 11.27, thank you for the feast, God